International Women Day #EmbraceEquity with Founder Marloe Morgan

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #EmbraceEquity.

This IWD we sat down with our Founder Marloe Morgan to discuss this year's theme and what #EmbraceEquity means to her.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you and how do you choose to celebrate this day?

IWD is a day to recognise women within our circles and celebrate the roles we play in supporting each other as women, sisters, mothers, wives, friends, leaders and supporters.  It is a day to celebrate sisterhood and all it means to hold each other up, creating space for open discussions, feelings and desires shared as well as honouring how far we have come. 

I like to celebrate IWD in the quiet moments throughout the day and meditation on the gratitude I feel for the incredible women in my life.  I take the time to honour the women who have lifted me up, supported my journey and contributed to the success I share in today. 

Why is diversity and inclusion important and how to you lean in to support your team?

As a founder and leader, I do feel the pressure to cultivate diversity and inclusion.  I feel it is important for my team and community to feel included, it is important for me to recognise that I am one person and I will miss the mark from time to time, I can not always be everything to everyone.  That is okay and I am learning just as we all are. 

Inclusion is important to ensure women feel safe, heard and valued.  We are all different with varying values, beliefs and cultures that require varying degrees of support to feel included.  As I lead a team from Bali, Indonesia I serve women from different cultures, religions and experiences.  It is important for me to take the time to listen, learn and lean into the needs of my circle as individuals.  One size does not fit all.   

If I look through a lens of community, I can more deeply support others depending on the need of that community of women.   The needs of the women within my circle are different to that of the west.  They require fair wage opportunities, further education and support to prioritise cultural duties along side work and family.

As a female founder working alongside women in your team, how do you embrace equity to ensure change within the workforce?

As a leader, it is my role to ensure I take the time to listen to the needs of my team and ensure they are given the opportunities, tools or support they require to feel seen and valued.  

At Marloe Marloe we value the importance of a healthy work-life balance.  We support flexible working hours that might look like a split week between the office and working from home or flexible contact hours for increased productivity. 

I also acknowledge the pressure women feel to focus on a career and look to starting a family as a secondary.  We champion women taking the time to focus on their families alongside building a career.   We have 2 pregnant team members and another has recently had her first baby, we look forward to her return to work when she feels the time is right for her and her family.  

Religious and cultural time off is also incredibly important to our Bali-based team.  Our staff know they have the flexibility to ask for time off and they are given the space to prioritise family and community. 

Which women within your circle of influence have lifted you up and how has this gesture supported your journey?

I am surrounded by so many incredibly supportive women that champion me every day.   I grew up in the Gold Coast / Byron Bay area of Australia and the region has a wonderful culture of women lifting women and supporting the journeys of others.  I  have a wonderful circle of women in business that I have had the privilege of doing life alongside.

I have also been incredibly lucky to have experienced female mentors that have supported the Marloe Marloe vision and whom I go to regularly for support when I am struggling or need an ear.  Knowing I have women in my corner at the ready is sometimes all you need for a leap of faith. 

How can women create space to #EmbraceEquity?

Creating space for your friends, family and colleagues to share their hopes, dreams and desires with truth, love and kindness is so powerful.  I have found that is it not the advice that one shares but constant encouragement that has positively shaped my journey.  

Happy IWD to all the women doing the best they can!