Five Minutes With Tess Robinson of Smack Bang

We spent five minutes with powerhouse Founder and Creative Director of Smack Bang, Tess Robinson, to unveil the source of her passion and her life as a modern mother, juggling ambition and babies.


Firstly, we would love to hear more about who you are, what you do and how you got to where you are today?

I’m a modern mother, juggling ambition and babies. 

To my children Dylan (3) and Marlo (8months), I’m a steadfast, generally happy, but utterly exhausted Mum. But to my business, Smack Bang, I’m agency Founder and Creative Director. 

The love of family, support of friends, advice of mentors and a lot of hard work has gotten me to this point.

When did you first discover your creative passion and what inspires you creatively?  

A total born design lover, creativity has been an innate part of me since I could use my hands. As a kid I was always cooking up some kind of creative project. Thankfully, this spark was recognised and fostered, and now as an adult, still persists as my ultimate life-force. 

For me, inspiration comes in waves, generally in alignment to feeling fulfilled and having my ‘cup full’. This means seeking out space to be by myself, creating art for the sake of it, exercising or being in nature. 

As Mother of two, Founder and Creative Director of Smack Bang, what does a normal day in your life look like?

These days, we’re up before the sun with thanks to my toddler who assures me ‘It’s morning time, Mama!’ despite it being pitch black outside. 

After getting the kids ready for their day, I duck out to quickly walk the dog and grab a coffee (a small pocket of ‘me’ time). I hurry back to my desk and immerse myself in work. What this looks like varies day-to-day, but I’m lucky enough to spend most of my time in the creative side of the business—Marketing, client strategy, copywriting, creative direction. Despite working remotely, a big portion of my day is spent liaising with my creative team on projects or with my leadership team on the overall strategy for Smack Bang

I usually clock off a little early to go and pick up Dylan from daycare, jump in the water and begin the evening routine. If I have some juicy stuff to catch up on, I’ll clock back on once the kids are tucked in.  

What is a non-negotiable in your every day? 

An oat milk latte. Or two.

As a builder of future brands, what can we expect to see from you in the future?

My Smack Bang team and I are hard at work bringing to life some exciting new brands and breathing new life into others. We’ve got a pretty solid growth trajectory over the next 2 years so things are feeling really exciting.

I’ve also got some creative collaborations in the works which will unfold later in the year, but I’ve loved the opportunity to dig out the paints and brushes for those. 

And then personally, my partner and I are knee-deep in designing our new home to be built in the latter half of the year. 


Where can we find your MARLOE MARLOE pieces?

On my desk amidst many pieces of paper that reflect both creativity and chaos. Candles, incense and a cracking good playlist always have the knack to put me in a good headspace.

Shop Tess's Picks - Candle Holder Pair in Capri & Tapered Candle Pair in Dusty Blue